Saturday, December 28, 2019

Research methods Essay - 1402 Words

Research method To gain my secondary information I used such sources as the Internet, books and midwifery journals. My secondary information will consist of the benefits of breast-feeding for the mother and baby, the benefits of bottle-feeding for the mother and baby as well as statistics on breast-feeding. All information that I have gained for my secondary data is all reliable, because it has come from recommended sites, books and journals that have been approved from the Government or from hospitals and doctors themselves. There are many research methods used to gain information, but it is important to use the right one to ensure that you get the best results possible. One method that is used is experiment; this is where you play an†¦show more content†¦The disadvantages are that it can be very time consuming, there is a possibility of you getting too involved and losing your objective and that your findings may not be generalised because you are only watching a selected few. The main reason I did not chose this as my research method is, because I would not be allowed to be actively involved in a mother breast-feeding her child. A structured interview is where you interview a person and ask set questions to them. The advantages are it can be replicated easily with different people, because you have set questions, the questions can be explained and the answer can be recorded. The disadvantages are the interviewees may lie, the answers can lack depth and the choice of answers can be limited. I chose not to do a structured interview because it is a small sample of answers and it is possible that my social characteristics may influence the interviewees’ answers. This is because I wish to prove my hypothesis I may have an some of my characteristics may show that, such as the way I speak or look at them when asking a question. This would leave my results as unreliable because I personal effected them. Another method of researching is an unstructured interview, which is where an interview is conducted on the topic area and it has no set questions. The advantages are the topic is explored in depth, you are able to exploreShow MoreRelatedResearch Methods And Methods Of Research975 Words   |  4 PagesStudying research method was not a new experience since I have studied about it in my under graduate school. In comparison from the previous one I had, ULMS 515 Applied Research Methods Module has enhanced my understanding about how to conduct a research in an appropriate way to be implemented in the real world setting. I learned to appreciate the nature of research and the research process in academic and practical contexts. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The United States Relations with the Middle East - 2681 Words

The United States was heavily involved in Middle-Eastern affairs during the latter half of the twentieth century. Following the election of President Eisenhower in 1952, the U.S.’s growing fear of Iranian nationalism and the potential spread of communism throughout the Persian Gulf ultimately coaxed U.S. forces into helping the British’ MI6 oust the Iranian Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh, from power. The CIA successfully overthrew Mossadegh and created a power vacuum in the Middle East, in 1953, through Operation Ajax. The U.S. then informally colonized Iran, under Shah Pahlavi’s rule, in order to possess economic and political hegemony over the volatile Persian Gulf. The U.S. effectively transformed the Shah into an autocratic ruler†¦show more content†¦In addition, the Shah’s decision to cede Persian land of great historic and monetary value, to Americans, further intensified Iranians’ xenophobic sentiments. Despite opposition from t he Iranian citizens, the U.S.’s economic dominance over Iran led to the invasion of American culture in Tehran and other major Iranian cities: newly constructed theatres played American films, large neon signs advertising companies such as Pepsi and Coca-Cola were commonly seen in city skylines, and clothing stores with bikinis and other American clothes were commonplace in city boulevards. Many Iranians perceived Americans’ obnoxious showcasing of western culture to be a sign of arrogance and racial superiority. More importantly, they viewed Americans’ culture to be a corrupting force on traditional Iranian life. The Iranian commissary, consisting of a large portion of Americans, imported vast amounts of liquor, cigarettes and cola. The importation of alcohol particularly outraged Iranian Muslims, for Islamic law succinctly proscribed becoming intoxicated. Additionally, in 1970, an American aircraft lifted seventy-nine tons of processed cat and dog food to Teh ran. An impoverished Iranian sardonically claimed, â€Å"the American’s dogs eat better than the average Iranian.† This airlift exemplified the notion that the Shah was more concerned about accommodating his American â€Å"friends† than meeting the dire needs of the Iranian people. The CIA helped establish Pahlavi’sShow MoreRelatedRelations Between The United States And The Middle East2161 Words   |  9 PagesThe relations between the United States and the Middle East has been intricate. Even though there is quite a physical distance between the United States and the Middle East, the United States’ influence spread within this region. Throughout the 20th and 21st century, the Middle East’s relations with other countries, strategic interests, and military standings have provoked U.S. involvement. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pharmaceutical Medicine

Question: Describe about the Pharmaceutical Medicine? Answer: Introduction: The medicine is required for treating any patients suffering from illness and improving their health quality. The medicines are developed after thorough research by the physician or others with a view that medicines can be circulated to large areas and people can avail it for better health structure. This is a methodology to find out a solution of an illness by inventing new chemical moiety. Drug is a chemical substance which exert effects when binds with the receptor. Medicine is a chemical substance which binds with receptors and relieved humans from there changing physico-chemical conditions. The particular study will be focusing on having clear understanding of pharmaceutical medicine and its aims. Further, the study will concentrate on drug discovery process. Pharmaceutical Medicine Pharmaceutical medicine is regarded as a medical scientific discipline which is involved in the discovery, development, evaluation and registration of medicines. On the other hand, it is also concerned with the monitoring and medical facets of marketing of drugs and medicine for the improvement in the health of patients or community health. Moreover, development of a new medicine and making the medicines available for the patients or public is an international endeavour. Further, it has been discussed that careers in the field of pharmaceutical medicine comprises three major groups of professionals such as: The people that are working in pharmaceutical industries People that are working in independent research organisations and are dedicated towards the development of new drugs or medicines. The people that has an appointments within the regulatory agencies of medicine. Aim of Pharmaceutical Medicine Improving the health condition of the people is prime duty of the medical professionals or physician. Therefore, the major aim of the Pharmaceutical Medicine is to discover, develop, evaluate, analyse and monitor so that effective medicine can be developed and supplied to the people. Integrated Drug Discovery and Development Integrated Drug Discovery and Development is a broad spectrum which concentrates on effective medicine development so that health status of the people can be enhanced and the developed medicine can target the specific disease and eliminate it. Therefore, drug discovery and development requires thorough research and study so that the medicines can provide long term benefit. Thus, the following requirements are needed for integrated drug discovery and development: Critical Chemical or structural research comprises exploration of genetic basis of syndrome or microstructure of an enzyme site or a receptor. Moreover, it is concerned in the development of tailored molecules so that potential therapeutic outcomes or specific interactions can be provided. Further, the research and development of preclinical engaged in studying the causes behind the diseases and also the value of the new therapeutic agents and potential safety by implementing biological system involving animal model. In the next part, humans are used for the purpose of clinical development. Therefore, in such case both type of humans are involved a healthy one and a person having disease in order to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new drug. On the other hand, the regulatory and societal development makes sure that whole development of the new drug matches with the need in order to meet with the requirements of government. Moreover, the development ensures that suitable value added elements over and above the normal figure of safety and effectives are incorporated into the database of the product. The elements can comprise cost benefit, life quality, relative competitive positioning and evidence based medicine. Lastly, the approval of post market medical affairs include the promotion of every product by adopting functions of marketing and sales and effective monitoring of process by pharmaceutical physicians. Methods of Drug Development: The total Drug Development Process is divided into some phases stated below. Target Selection This is a process where the ailment has been identified and then a replica has been developed. Investigator first chooses a target which may be a particular enzyme or a receptor or an ion channel which is suitable to treat the disease. Target Validation In this phase the importance of the new moiety has been established for that particular illness. Lead Selection This is a stage where the thousand of chemical moieties are undergoes High Throughput Screening (HTS). From thousand of options the best receptor specific molecules are selected. HTS is a 40 years old lead selection instrument. Its having highly assessment power which easily judged the binding and non binding capacity of a lead. Ultimately the leads have been sorted out and they are known as Hits. HTS helps to estimate the chemical, biological and physical properties of the Hits. Drug Optimization Hits are chemically customized and the best suitable options are then pharmacologically distinguished. This helps to find the chemical moiety with appropriate pharmacodynamic as well as pharmacokinetic property. Pre Clinical testing This is an assay procedure where biochemicals as well as pharmacological parameters are checked. Both in vitro (outside the living being) and in vivo (Inside the living being) methods are used to assay the leads and which will leads to find out the proper chemical moiety. Toxic effects and adverse drug reaction is also measured in this phase because this is the last phase of a drug development before trying in human beings. Clinical Trials This is a phase where the drugs are given to the human beings and measure the safety and efficacy profile of the newer drugs. Evaluation of the potentiality of the newer drug in humans has been made through clinical trials. The total procedure has been conducted in 4 phases and now another phase (Phase 0) has been added. Every phase has their own significance and own outcomes. Depending upon the outcomes of the phases a drug or medicine has been approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Phases of Clinical Trials: There are mainly 4 phases and now a days another phase has been added. The Phases are respectively Phase 0, Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4. In Phase 0, subjects should be 10 to 15 and a single sub healing micro dosing has been given to the subjects to gather preliminary ADME data. Phase 1 is a preliminary pharmacological activity screening phase where 70% drugs get approval to go to the next stage. Number of subjects taken are 20 to 80 with a 3 to 6 months duration. Phase 2 is the starting phase to check efficiency of the molecule with therapeutic dose reaction factors. 100 to 300 Patients are taken and the duration of the phase is up to 1 year. Phase 3 this is the final phase of a drug before pharmaceutical marketing and this is the phase where adverse drug effects has been checked and monitored also compare with current remedies and all the documents has been submitted to FDA for approval. Only 20% to 25% drugs are approved for phase 4 trial. The s ubjects needed for phase 3 is 1000 to 5000and the duration is for 1 to 5 years. Phase 4 is a post promotion phase where the effectiveness and ADR in general population has been observed and any kind of serious ADR leads to Drug Withdrawal from the market. Core works of Clinical Trials: The main works of this trials are engage individual subjects and creates a organize group to conduct studies. Maintain the time is very important with proper monitoring on side effects of the chemical entity. Evaluation of the technical data is very important. Also the preparation of documents based on the guidelines of ethical committee is very important for approval. Conclusion of the Study: From the whole study, it can be concluded that the study revolved around the pharmaceutical medicine. The pharmaceutical medicine has been explained and its purpose has been mentioned which is useful in developing a new drugs or medicine. Therefore, it helps in providing large benefit to the patients or to the public health. Furthermore, the integrated drug discovery and development has been outlined which explains the different required which needed for drug or medicine development. This is the study which helps to conclude that the newer chemical entity is ethically sounded and this will help humans to get rid of from a disease. References 1. Mumper R, Smith C, O'Donnell J. 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