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Tanglewood Case 2 - 1193 Words

Christian April 6, 2014 Wk 2 Dropbox Assignment TangleWood Case 2 Currently the organization expects that their forecast for labor requirements is essentially constant from the previous year. Based on this assumption complete the five stages of the planning process: Currently the organization expects that their forecast for labor requirements is essentially constant from the previous year. This means the forecast for next year will be taken as given. Fill in the empty cells in the forecast of labor availabilities in Table 1.1 Table 1.1 Markov Analysis Information Transition probability matrix Current year (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Exit Previous year (1) Store associate 0.53 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 (2) Shift leader 0.00†¦show more content†¦Are there any particular classes or jobs where the representation within Tanglewood appears to be out of line with the available workforce? What does the pattern suggest to you? The minorities representation appears to be out of line based on the labor market for table 1.3. The company needs to hire and promote more minorities within the company. Based on your analysis and the affirmative action plan, do you think the company should engage in a specific strategy to change their recruiting and promotion practices? Do you think it is realistic for the company to try to meet their affirmative action goals in this process in a single year? What are the pros and cons of using internal promotions vs. external hiring to rectify the problems with gender and ethnicity representation in supervisory positions? Based on the affirmative action plan I think the company should engage in a specific strategy to change their hiring process to appeal to more minorities. No, I do not think that it is realistic for the company to meet their affirmative action plan in one year. The pros of hiring internally is that is reduces the need for basic training about the company. Internal hires promote skilled employees that are already aware of the company goals and standards. The cons of hiring internally would be that if the gender or race is dominant this will not level the minority gap of promoting to management positions. In addition to the specific targetsShow MoreRelatedTanglewood Case 21018 Words   |  5 PagesLabor 2. Markov Analysis Information 3. Demographic Categories 4. Promotion Practices 5. Organizational Memo Forecast of Labor: MGT Consulting gathered information from the previous year (2010) and used a Markov analysis to generate a plan of action for the employment needs for Tanglewood in 2011. The Washington market is very stable for Tanglewood and we decided that the current workforce will be sufficient for the 2011 forecast. There are 10750 current employees in the Tanglewood storesRead MoreTanglewood Case 21334 Words   |  6 PagesChristian April 6, 2014 Wk 2 Dropbox Assignment TangleWood Case 2 Currently the organization expects that their forecast for labor requirements is essentially constant from the previous year. Based on this assumption complete the five stages of the planning process: Currently the organization expects that their forecast for labor requirements is essentially constant from the previous year. This means the forecast for next year will be taken as given. Fill in the empty cells in the forecastRead MoreEssay on Tanglewood Case 21373 Words   |  6 PagesCase 2 Specific Assignment Details For the store manager group, you will analyze the information and prepare a report showing the results of the Markov analysis and the EEO investigation. The Director asked you to address these questions in your written report: 1. Currently the organization expects that their forecast for labor requirements is essentially constant from the previous year. Based on this assumption complete the five stages of the planning process: a. Currently theRead MoreTanglewood Case 21337 Words   |  6 Pagesrequiring long hours of work, including weekends and holidays, with little compensation. It is difficult to hire individuals that are willing to start in an entry-level position and work their way up over the years into managerial positions. Tanglewood prefers to promote from within, allowing the managerial employees to grow with the company, already experienced with the social and cultural environment. This limits the ability to hire an individual directly into a managerial position, but increasesRead MoreTanglewood Case 2: Planning1070 Words   |  5 PagesTanglewood Case 2: Planning To: Dr. Grace From: Tanisha Yorrick Date: 9/16/2015 Subject: Tanglewood Planning Introduction Tanglewood is trying to conduct a hiring plan for its upcoming year. They need to meet certain numbers and plan for expected shortages and surpluses. They are seeking assistance in identifying the trends in their labor market, filling vacant positions, reducing turn overs and updating their affirmative action plan. Key Points This section contains the key issuesRead MoreTanglewood Stores - Case 22229 Words   |  9 PagesTanglewood stores Case two Conduct an analysis of Tanglewood’s staffing data and determine if their current staffing practices are sufficient to meet their ongoing needs, or if there will be problems in adequately staffing the organization in the near future. Recommend how Tanglewood should design its overall staffing mission and strategy based on their upcoming needs. Calculate representation statistics for various jobs within a single Tanglewood department store to determine where the most criticalRead MoreTanglewood Case #11668 Words   |  7 PagesDana Tripp Tanglewood Stores - Case One – Week 2 HR594 Strategic Staffing, January 2011 Keller Graduate School of Management Professor Sheri Bias January 3, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To: Donald Penchiala, Director of Staffing Services Marilyn Anchley, Vice President of Human Resources RE: Tanglewood Retail Store – Case #1 Date: January 3, 2010 In this report will be doing a Strategic Staffing Analysis that will focus on the key requirements about acquisition, deployment, andRead MoreTanglewood Case Study1431 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Tanglewood Case Study #1 Nellie J. Harris HRM594-Strategic Staffing Mr. Perrone, I am responding to your request to review Tanglewood’s staffing decisions currently in place. After reviewing Tanglewood’s 39 year history as well as current and potential competitors, I have reviewed the 13 sections per your request. Each recommendation is based on Tanglewood’s mission and values. Tanglewood is a 39 year old company looking to expand its’ organization while still maintaining its’Read MoreTanglewood Case Two1215 Words   |  5 PagesTanglewood Case 2 Strategic Staffing (HR 594) Summer Session B TANGLEWOOD CASE TWO ATT: Daryl Perrone After analyzing the data and performing an environmental scan it is clear that the demographics of Spokane, Washington will present you will problems filling vacancies based on the Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. Spokane is the second largest city in Washington and according to my research 84% of these people are white. The next largest minority group, HispanicRead MoreTanglewood Case 3 - Recruiting Mehtods Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesRecruiting Like many retailers, Tanglewood experiences a stable rate of turnover, and thus recruiting efforts remain high. The methods used by Tanglewood vary from many regions in which they serve, and by gauging these methods we are able to optimize and perhaps unify company operations. By reviewing the recruiting methods used by Tanglewood, we will be able to devise a guide that can be functional along with Tanglewood developing recruiting services which reflect Tanglewood’s unique personality

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